Memory Management
Heap Memory Zones
The heap has three different zones from where memory can be allocated:
- System Zone
Fixed size heap where allocation always succeeds and is never freed. Used by any initialization code that will never give up the memory.
- Runtime Zone
Main and larger heap zone where allocations are not guaranteed to succeed. Memory can be freed here.
- Buffer Zone
Largest heap zone intended for audio buffers. See platform/memory.h for heap size configuration and mappings.
Figure 10 Memory Zones
System Zone
The system zone receives a series of allocations during the system initialization phase. Since no memory is freed until the system (core) goes down, the allocation mechanism might be simple, ensuring that a sufficient offset to the beginning of free space left is maintained.
Figure 11 System Zone
All system-level components (schedulers, work queues, etc.) allocate their memory blocks from the system heap. Separation between the system heap and runtime heap(s) might be further hardened in case an access control for user mode vs. kernel mode is supported by the architecture/platform.
Extensions for SMP Architectures
Each CPU (core) might own a dedicated system heap. The memory assigned for system heaps is distributed asymmetrically on CAVS platforms: a large heap for the primary core (#0) and smaller ones for other cores (#1+).
When a core goes down, the entire heap can be freed by moving back the free space offset to the beginning of the heap.
The heap can be aligned with memory bank(s) to provide better control over power consumption. Once a core goes down, memory banks allocated for its system heap can be powered off as well.
Runtime Zone
Provides flexible
operations.Since the runtime zone is separated from the system zone, adjustment and complex usage scenarios do not interface with system allocations.
Figure 12 Runtime Zone
Buffer Zone
Information is forthcoming.