
Rimage is a DSP firmware image creation and signing tool used by Sound Open Firmware (SOF) to generate binary image files.

Rimage contains a built-in generator for:

  1. Extended manifest - describes firmware metadata for drivers

  2. CSE manifest

  3. CSS manifest

  4. ADSP manifest

For more details see:

Build flow


title image build flow

class bootloader_elf_file << (F, orchid) >> {
  -- note --
  Used for CAVS 1.5 and newer
class firmware_elf_file << (F, orchid) >> {

class rimage {

class adsp_manifest_file << (F, orchid) >> {
   suffix: .ri.met

class image_file << (F, orchid) >> {
   suffix: .ri
   -- Content --
   +CSE manifest
   +CSS manifest
   +ADSP manifest
   +runtime code

class unsigned_image_file << (F, orchid) >> {
   suffix: .ri.uns
  -- Content --
   +ADSP manifest
   +runtime code

class ext_man_file << (F, orchid) >> {
   suffix: .ri.xman

class build_step {
   + glue binary files()
hide build_step circle

class final_image_file << (F, orchid) >> {
   suffix: .ri
   -- Content --
   +Extended manifest
   +CSE manifest
   +CSS manifest
   +ADSP manifest
   +runtime code

firmware_elf_file -down-> rimage
bootloader_elf_file -down-> rimage
rimage -down-> ext_man_file : with -e flag
ext_man_file -down-> build_step
rimage -down-> adsp_manifest_file
rimage -down-> image_file : without MEU\nwithout -s argument
rimage -down-> unsigned_image_file : with MEU \nwith -s argument
unsigned_image_file -down-> MEU
MEU -down-> image_file
adsp_manifest_file -down-> image_file
image_file -down-> build_step
build_step -down-> final_image_file


Figure 140 Image build generation