Topology 2.0
This is a high-level keyword extension on top of the existing ALSA conf topology format designed to:
Simplify the ALSA conf topology definitions by providing high level “classes”. In this way, topology designers can write less configurations for commonly defined objects.
Allow simple reuse of objects. Define once and reuse (like M4) with the ability to alter object configuration attributes from defaults.
Allow data type and value verification. This is not done today and frequently crops up in FW bug reports.
A typical 2.0 configuration file consists of the following components:
Conditional includes
Topology today has some common definitions that are often reused with slightly altered
configurations, such as widgets (components), pipelines, dais, pcm, and controls. Topology 2.0
introduces the concept of reusable class-like definitions that you can use to create commonly
used topology objects. Classes are defined with a new keyword Class
A class definition always starts with the Class
keyword followed by two nodes. The first node contains
the class group, and the second node contains the class name. For example: {}
Note that ‘.’ is the node separator in the alsaconf syntax. In the above line, Base
is the class
group and data
is the class name. Currently, the alsatplg compiler supports the following class groups:
widget, pipeline, DAI, control and base. Most of the commonly used topology objects can be classified into
one of these groups. If a new class group is required, the alsatplg compiler should be updated to add
support for it.
Class Ingredients
A minimalistic class definition should consist of the following:
One or more attributes declared with the keyword
. Attributes are parameters that are used to describe the object. For example:DefineAttribute."name" { type "string" }
“name” is an attribute of type string.
Basic attribute qualifiers with the constructor array and unique attribute name. Attribute qualifiers should be declared within the
attributes {}
node in the class definition.# attribute qualifiers attributes { # # This tells the compiler how to construct the object's name. For example, if the # name attribute is set to "EQIIR-Coefficients", the object name will be # constructed as "class_name.EQIIR-Coefficients" # !constructor [ "name" ] # # objects of the same class instantiated within the same alsaconf node have unique # name attribute # unique "name" }
A Simple Class
The following example demonstrates a simple class definition with two attributes and qualifiers:
Class.Base."data" {
# name for the data object
DefineAttribute."name" {
type "string"
# bytes data
DefineAttribute."bytes" {
type "string"
# attribute qualifiers
attributes {
# This tells the compiler how to construct the object's name. For example, if the
# name attribute is set to "EQIIR-Coefficients", the object name will be
# constructed as "data.EQIIR-Coefficients"
!constructor [
# data objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have unique
# name attribute
unique "name"
The data
class definition belonging to the base
class group contains two attributes,
name and bytes, both of type string
. By default, all attributes have the integer
type, unless
specified otherwise, like in the example above. Currently, topology 2.0 supports only integer
types for attributes.
The attribute qualifiers are used to describe how to instantiate an object from the class definition and validate the attribute values.
In the above definition, the constructor
array tells the compiler how to build the object’s name.
A data object instantiated with the name EQIIR-Coefficients
will be given the name
, that is the class name followed by ‘.’ followed by the constructor attribute
values separated by ‘.’.
The unique
qualifier indicates that multiple data objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should
have unique values for their name
attribute. If two data objects are instantiated within the same alsaconf
node with the same name
attribute, errors will not occur, but the two object instances will be merged.
Additionally, the attribute values in the second instance will override the attribute values in the first one.
Therefore, it is the topology writer’s responsibility to ensure that multiple instances within the same parent
node have different unique attribute values.
Let’s consider another class definition example for the pga
widget belonging to the class group Widget
Class.Widget."pga" {
# Pipeline ID for the pga widget object
DefineAttribute."index" {}
# pga object instance
DefineAttribute."instance" {}
# attribute qualifiers
attributes {
# The PGA widget name is constructed using the index and instance
# attributes. For ex: "pga.1.1" or "pga.10.2" etc.
!constructor [
# pga widget objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have unique
# instance attribute
unique "instance"
Note that the pga object names are constructed with the class name
followed by two attribute values, index and instance. For
example, pga.1.1
. Both attributes will have the integer
by default because the definitions do not specify the type. In
practice, the unique instance attribute should also be part of the
Attribute default values
Optionally, class definitions can be extended to give default values for their attributes. Let’s add a
attribute of type string
to the pga
class and give it a default value:
Class.Widget."pga" {
# Pipeline ID for the pga widget object
DefineAttribute."index" {}
# pga object instance
DefineAttribute."instance" {}
DefineAttribute."uuid" {
type "string"
# attribute qualifiers
attributes {
# The PGA widget name is constructed using the index and instance
# attributes. For ex: "pga.1.1" or "pga.10.2" etc.
!constructor [
# pga widget objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have unique
# instance attribute
unique "instance"
# default attribute values
uuid "7e:67:7e:b7:f4:5f:88:41:af:14:fb:a8:bd:bf:86:82"
All pga objects will automatically be given the default uuid as specified above in the class definition.
Advanced attribute qualifiers
Apart from the mandatory basic attribute qualifiers, you can qualify attributes in the class definition using the following advanced keywords:
Mandatory: Attributes qualified as mandatory should be provided with a value in the object instance, failing which the alsatplg compiler will emit an error. Objects with default values in the class definition need not be qualified as mandatory. Also, note that attributes in the constructor array are mandatory by default as they are required for building the object’s name.
Immutable: Attribute values that are set in the class definition and cannot be modified in the object instance.
Deprecated: Attributes that have been deprecated and should not be set in the object instance.
Automatic: Attributes whose values are computed by the alsatplg compiler.
Let’s add some extra attributes and advanced qualifers into the pga class definition:
Class.Widget."pga" {
# attribute definitions
DefineAttribute.instance {
type "integer"
DefineAttribute.index {
type "integer"
DefineAttribute."type" {
type "string"
DefineAttribute."uuid" {
type "string"
DefineAttribute."preload_count" {}
# attribute qualifiers
attributes {
# The PGA widget name is constructed using the index and instance attributes.
# For ex: "pga.1.1" or "pga.10.2" etc.
!constructor [
# immutable attributes should be given default values and cannot be modified in the object instance
!immutable [
# deprecated attributes should not be added in the object instance
!deprecated [
# pga widget objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have
# unique instance attribute
unique "instance"
# default attribute values
type "pga"
uuid "7e:67:7e:b7:f4:5f:88:41:af:14:fb:a8:bd:bf:86:82"
Automatic attributes
In some cases, an attribute value depends on other attribute values
and need to be computed during build time. Such attributes are
qualified with the automatic
keyword in the class definition.
Refer to buffer for the complete class definition.
Class.Widget."buffer" {
# Other attributes skipped for simplicity.
# Buffer size in bytes. Will be calculated based on the parameters of the pipeline to in which the
# buffer object belongs
DefineAttribute."size" {
# Token reference and type
token_ref "sof_tkn_buffer.word"
attributes {
# size attribute value for buffer objects is computed in the compiler
!automatic [
In the example above, the size
attribute value of buffer
computed based on the pipeline parameters, to which the buffer
belongs. Currently, the alsatplg compiler only has support for
computing the automatic attribute size
for the buffer objects.
Support for automatic attributes in new class definitions
should be added in the alsatplg compiler if necessary.
Attribute Constraints
One of the key features of Topology 2.0 is validation of the values provided for objects. This is achieved
with the help of constraints added to the attribute definition. Constraints can be added to an attribute using
the constraints
DefineAttribute."foo" {
constraints {}
Currently, three types of constraints are supported:
min: The minimum value for an attribute, applicable only to integer type attributes.
max: The maximum value for an attribute, applicable only to integer type attributes.
For example, the pga class definition can be expanded with an attribute for
with min and max values as follows:DefineAttribute."ramp_step_ms" { constraints { min 200 max 500 } }
valid values: an array of acceptable human-readable values, applicable only to string type attributes.
For example, the pga class can have an attribue for
with pre-defined values as follows:DefineAttribute."ramp_step_type" { type "string" constraints { !valid_values [ "linear" "log" "linear_zc" "log_zc" ] } }
When the pga class is instantiated with a value that does not belong in
the valid_values
array for ramp_step_type
, the alsatplg compiler emits
an error along with the list of valid values.
Attributes with token references
Typically, a lot of objects contain a private data section that is
composed of sets of tuple arrays. Some of the attributes in a class
definition may need to be packed into the tuple array. Such attributes
are identified with the token_ref
node which contains the name of
the tuple array that the attribute should be built into. For example,
both the ramp_step_ms
and ramp_step_type
attributes in the pga
class need to be added to the tuple array. So, they contain the
token_ref node with the value sof_tkn_volume.word
indicating that
the attributes should be packed with the sof_tkn_volume tuple
array of type word
# Volume ramp step in milliseconds
DefineAttribute."ramp_step_ms" {
# Token set reference name
token_ref "sof_tkn_volume.word"
constraints {
min 200
max 500
DefineAttribute."ramp_step_type" {
type "string"
# Token set reference name
token_ref "sof_tkn_volume.word"
constraints {
!valid_values [
Sometimes, valid_values
for attributes might need to be translated
from the human readable values to integer tuple values so that it can
be parsed correctly by the kernel driver. In the example above, valid
values for ramp_step_type
are defined as human readable string
values, such as linear and log. These values are translated to tuple
values (0, 1, etc) before getting added to the tuple array.
DefineAttribute."ramp_step_type" {
type "string"
# Token set reference name
token_ref "sof_tkn_volume.word"
constraints {
!valid_values [
!tuple_values [
A complete class definition
Putting it all together, the following example demonstrates the complete definition for the pga widget class:
Class.Widget."pga" {
# attribute definitions
DefineAttribute.instance {
type integer
DefineAttribute.index {
type integer
DefineAttribute."type" {
type "string"
DefineAttribute."uuid" {
type "string"
# Token set reference name and type
token_ref "sof_tkn_comp.uuid"
DefineAttribute."preload_count" {}
# Volume ramp step in milliseconds
DefineAttribute."ramp_step_ms" {
# Token set reference name
token_ref "sof_tkn_volume.word"
constraints {
min 200
max 500
DefineAttribute."ramp_step_type" {
type "string"
# Token set reference name
token_ref "sof_tkn_volume.word"
constraints {
!valid_values [
!tuple_values [
# attribute qualifiers
attributes {
# The PGA widget name is constructed using the index and instance attributes.
# For ex: "pga.1.1" or "pga.10.2" etc.
!constructor [
# immutable attributes cannot be modified in the object instance
!immutable [
# deprecated attributes should not be added in the object instance
!deprecated [
# pga widget objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have
# unique instance attribute
unique "instance"
# default attribute values
type "pga"
uuid "7e:67:7e:b7:f4:5f:88:41:af:14:fb:a8:bd:bf:86:82"
ramp_step_ms 200
Objects are used to instantiate multiple instances of the same class to avoid duplicating
common attribute definitions. Objects are instantiated with the new keyword Object
followed by
three nodes:
Object.Widget.pga."1" {}
The nodes refer to the following elements:
Class group to which the object class belongs. In this case, the class belongs to
.Class name. That is
.Unique attribute value. This is the value for the attribute that is qualified as
in the class definition. That isinstance
Using the pga class definition as described in A complete class definition, you can instantiate a pga widget object in the following way:
Object.Widget.pga."1" {
index 5
where 1
is the value for the unique attribute instance
in the pga class definition and the
attribute is given the value of 5. As the class definition contains no other mandatory
attributes, the above instance is fully valid.
You do not need to duplicate commonly used attribute values in the object instantiation. Objects automatically inherit the default values for attributes from their class definition.
Modifying default attributes
Attributes that have default values in the class definition can be overwritten by specifying the new value in the object instance:
Object.Widget.pga."1" {
index 5
ramp_step_ms 300
The above object overrides the ramp_step_ms
default value of 200 ms set in the class definition with the
new value of 300 ms.
Objects within classes
Class definitions can optionally also include child objects that need to be instantiated for every instance of the class object. For example, a pga widget typically always contains a volume mixer control. The mixer control class definition is as follows:
Class.Control."mixer" {
# Pipeline ID for the mixer object
DefineAttribute."index" {}
# Instance of mixer object in the same alsaconf node
DefineAttribute."instance" {}
# Mixer name. A mixer object is included in the built topology only if it is given a
# name
DefineAttribute."name" {
type "string"
# Max volume setting
DefineAttribute."max" {}
DefineAttribute."invert" {
type "string"
constraints {
!valid_values [
# use mute LED
DefineAttribute."mute_led_use" {
token_ref "sof_tkn_mute_led.word"
# LED direction
DefineAttribute."mute_led_direction" {
token_ref "sof_tkn_mute_led.word"
# access control for mixer
DefineAttribute."access" {
type "compound"
constraints {
!valid_values [
attributes {
# The Mixer object name is constructed using the index and instance arguments.
# For ex: "mixer.1.1" or "mixer.10.2" etc.
!constructor [
!mandatory [
# mixer control objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have unique
# index attribute
unique "instance"
# Default attribute values for mixer control
invert "false"
mute_led_use 0
mute_led_direction 0
You can add a mixer control object to the pga widget class definition:
Class.Widget."pga" {
# Attributes, qualifiers and default values are skipped for simplicity.
# Refer to the complete class definition in "Complete Class Definition" for details
# volume control for pga widget
Object.Control.mixer."1" {
name "My Volume Control"
max 32
The mixer control My Volume Control
will be programmatically added to all pga objects.
Object attribute inheritance
One thing to note in the above object instantiation is that the mixer object has two mandatory attributes, index and instance. But the index attribute value is missing in the instance. This is because the mixer control object inherits the index attribute value from its parent pga object when it gets instantiated. For example, consider the following pga object instance:
Object.Widget.pga.1 {
index 5
The mixer control object in the pga class definition inherits the index value of 5
. Inheritance occurs
only when a child object’s class definition shares an attribute of the same name with its parent class
definition. In the case of mixer control class and pga widget class, the shared attribute is index
Setting child object attributes
Let’s consider the pga class definition with the mixer control object again:
Class.Widget."pga" {
# Attributes, qualifiers and default values are skipped for simplicity.
# Please refer to the complete class definition above for details
# volume control for pga widget
Object.Control.mixer."1" {
name "My Volume Control"
max 32
Note that the mixer control object has its name set in the pga widget class definition. But, ideally, we want to give the mixer control a new name whenever a new pga widget object is instantiated. You can do it like this:
Object.Widget.pga."1" {
index 5
# volume control'
Object.Control.mixer."1" {
name "My Control Volume 5"
Now, the mixer control object is assigned the name My Control Volume 5
Nested Objects
Objects can also be instantiated as child objects within other object instances. For example, a switch control can be added to pga widget objects during instantiation:
Object.Widget.pga."1" {
index 5
# volume control
Object.Control.mixer."1" {
name "My Control Volume 5"
# mute control
Object.Control.mixer."2" {
name "Mute Switch Control"
max 1
Note how the unique
attribute for the two mixer control objects differs to keep the mixer instances unique.
Recursive object attribute inheritance
Objects can be nested within objects that are nested within other objects themselves. In this case, the attribute values can be inherited all the way from the top-level parent object. For example, consider the following class definition for volume-playback pipeline:
Class.Pipeline."volume-playback" {
# Other attributes and qualifiers ommitted for simplicity
DefineAttribute."index" {}
DefineAttribute."format" {
type "string"
# pipeline objects
Object.Widget {
# Other objects ommitted for simplicity
pga."1" {}
Note that the pga widget object above has no index attribute value. An object of volume-playback class is instantiated as:
Object.Pipeline.volume-playback.1 {
index 1
format s24le
This ensures that all child objects within the volume-playback object will inherit the index attribute value from it. So the pga widget object will have the same index. By the same rule, the mixer control object within the pga widget object will also have the same index attribute value of 1.
Setting child object attributes deep down in the parent object tree
In Setting child object attributes, we saw that we can set child attribute values from its parent object instance. For example, you can set the mixer control object’s name from the pga widget object instance. This can be extended further and it is possible to set the mixer control name from the parent object of the pga object. Consider the volume playback object instance in the previous section. We can set the mixer control name for the pga object as follows:
Object.Pipeline.volume-playback.1 {
index 1
format s24le
Object.Widget.pga.1 {
Object.Control.mixer.1 {
name "My Control Volume 1"
Arguments in top-level configuration files
Arguments are used to pass build-time parameters that can be used for building multiple binaries from the same configuration file. Consider the following top-level topology configuration file with two pipelines:
# arguments
type integer
default 0
Object.Pipeline {
volume-playback.1 {
dynamic_pipeline $DYNAMIC_PIPELINE
index 1
Object.Widget.pipeline.1 {
stream_name 'dai.HDA.0.playback'
} {
stream_name 'Passthrough Playback 0'
Object.Widget.pga.1 {
Object.Control.mixer.1 {
name '1 My Playback Volume'
format s24le
volume-playback.3 {
dynamic_pipeline $DYNAMIC_PIPELINE
index 3
Object.Widget.pipeline.1 {
stream_name 'dai.HDA.2.playback'
} {
stream_name 'Passthrough Playback 1'
Object.Widget.pga.1 {
Object.Control.mixer.1 {
name '3 My Playback Volume'
format s24le
In this example, the value for the dynamic_pipeline
attribute in the volume-playback objects
is expanded from the provided value for the DYNAMIC_PIPELINE
argument when building the
topology binary with the -DDYNAMIC_PIPELINE=1
The alsatplg compiler only parses the arguments that are defined at the top-level node in the machine topology file.
When building a top-level configuration file, it should include all
class definitions for the objects being instantiated, failing which
the compiler will emit errors calling out missing class definitions.
All paths are relative to the directory specified by the environment
. You can specify the include paths for
dependencies as follows:
Include the class definitions as follows:
Simple machine topology
A machine topology typically consists of the following:
Include paths pointing to the search directory for class definitions includes
Conf file Includes containing class definitions
Pipeline objects
BE DAI links objects
PCM objects
Top-level pipeline connections
Let’s consider a simple machine topology configuration file that includes a volume-playback pipeline, a HDA type DAI link, a playback PCM, and the top-level connection:
# Include paths
# Include class definitions
# arguments
type integer
default 0
# DAI definition
Object.Dai {
HDA.0 {
name 'Analog Playback and Capture'
id 4
default_hw_conf_id 4
Object.Base.hw_config.HDA0 {}
Object.Widget.dai.1 {
direction playback
index 1
type dai_in
stream_name 'Analog Playback and Capture'
period_sink_count 0
period_source_count 2
format s32le
# Pipeline Definition
Object.Pipeline {
volume-playback.1 {
dynamic_pipeline $DYNAMIC_PIPELINE
index 1
Object.Widget.pipeline.1 {
stream_name 'dai.HDA.0.playback'
} {
stream_name 'Passthrough Playback 0'
Object.Widget.pga.1 {
Object.Control.mixer.1 {
name '1 My Playback Volume'
format s24le
# PCM Definitions
Object.PCM {
pcm.0 {
name 'HDA Analog'
Object.Base.fe_dai.'HDA Analog' {}
Object.PCM.pcm_caps.playback {
name 'Passthrough Playback 0'
formats 'S24_LE,S16_LE'
direction playback
id 0
# Top-level pipeline connection
# Buffer.1. -> dai.HDA.1.playback
Object.Base.route.1 {
source 'buffer.1.1'
sink 'dai.HDA.1.playback'
Note that the above configuration file only includes the top-level route between the buffer widget
in the volume-playback pipeline and the dai widget dai.HDA.1.playback
. The connections
between the widgets in the volume-playback pipeline are defined in the class definition.
Let’s peek into the volume-playback pipeline class definition to look at the route objects contained within the class definition. Refer to volume-playback for the complete class definition.
Class.Pipeline."volume-playback" {
# pipeline attributes skipped for simplicity
attributes {
# pipeline name is constructed as "volume-playback.1"
!constructor [
!mandatory [
!immutable [
# volume-playback objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have
# unique instance attribute
unique "instance"
# Widget objects that constitute the volume-playback pipeline
Object.Widget {
pipeline."1" {}
host."playback" {
type "aif_in"
buffer."1" {
periods 2
caps "host"
pga."1" {
Object.Control.mixer.1 {
Object.Base.tlv."vtlv_m64s2" {
Object.Base.scale."m64s2" {}
buffer."2" {
periods 2
caps "dai"
# Pipeline connections.
# The index attribute values for the source/sink widgets will be populated
# when the route objects are built
Object.Base {
route."1" {
source "host..playback"
sink "buffer..1"
route."2" {
source "buffer..1"
sink "pga..1"
route."3" {
source "pga..1"
sink "buffer..2"
# Default attribute values
direction "playback"
time_domain "timer"
period 1000
channels 2
rate 48000
priority 0
core 0
frames 0
mips 5000
The pipeline class definition is fairly easy to follow except for the route object instances. Let’s analyze it a bit further. The route class definition is defined as follows:
Class.Base."route" {
# sink widget name
DefineAttribute."sink" {
type "string"
# source widget name for route
DefineAttribute."source" {
type "string"
# control name for the route
DefineAttribute."control" {
type "string"
# Pipeline ID of the pipeline the route object belongs to
DefineAttribute."index" {}
# unique instance for route object in the same alsaconf node
DefineAttribute."instance" {}
attributes {
!constructor [
!mandatory [
# route objects instantiated within the same alsaconf node should have unique
# index attribute
unique "instance"
Note that a route object is expected to have instance, source, and sink attributes.
Let’s consider the route objects in the volume-playback class again:
Object.Base {
route."1" {
source "host..playback"
sink "buffer..1"
route."2" {
source "buffer..1"
sink "pga..1"
route."3" {
source "pga..1"
sink "buffer..2"
Notice that the source and sink attributes are defined for all of the routes. For example, the second route object
has a sink attribute value of pga..1
. Referring back to the pga widget class definition
in A complete class definition, we know that a pga widget object’s constructor has two attributes, index
and instance
We know the instance of the pga widget in the volume-playback class is 1 by looking at the list of widgets.
But the index attribute value for the pga widget in the pipeline is unknown. It will only be set from a top-level
topology config file as in Simple machine topology. Therefore, the index attribute is left empty in the class definition.
The alsatplg compiler will populate the index attribute with the appropriate value when the route object is built. For the
machine topology above, the route object Object.base.route.2
will be built with the right pipeline IDs as follows:
Object.base.route.2 {
source "buffer.1.1"
sink "pga.1.1"
Currently, alsatplg can fill in attribute values only for the route object source and sink attributes. If needed, this feature can be extended for other types of objects.
Conditional includes
Conditional includes allow building multiple topology binaries from the same input configuration file. For example, let’s consider the HDA generic machine topology. The number of DMICs determines whether the DMIC configuration file should be included or not. This can be achieved as follows:
@args.DMIC_COUNT {
type integer
default 0
# include DMIC config if needed
"[1-4]" "include/platform/intel/dmic-generic.conf"
The regular expression [1-4]
indicates that the dmic-generic.conf file should be included if
the DMIC_COUNT argument value is between 1 and 4. Assuming the top-level file is called
, you can build two separate topology binaries with the following commands:
For machines with no DMICs:
alsatplg -p -c sof-hda-generic.conf -o sof-hda-generic.tplg
For machines with two DMICs:
alsatplg -D DMIC_COUNT=2 -p -c sof-hda-generic.conf -o sof-hda-generic-2ch.tplg
Conditional includes are not limited to top-level configuration files. You can add them to any node in the configuration file to include the configuration at the specified node. For example, we can conditionally include the right filter coefficients for the byte controls in the EQIIR widget.
Define the argument for the coefficients in the top-level topology file:
type string
default "highpass_40hz_0db_48khz"
And then include the coefficients:
Object.Widget.eqiir.1 {
Object.Control.bytes.1 {
name "my eqiir byte control"
# EQIIR filter coefficients
IncludeByKey.EQIIR_BYTES {
"[highpass.40hz.0db.48khz]" "include/components/eqiir/highpass_40hz_0db_48khz.conf"
"[highpass.40hz.20db.48khz]" "include/components/eqiir/highpass_40hz_20db_48khz.conf"
Building 2.0 configuration files
You can use alsatplg to compile Topology 2.0 configuration files and produce the topology binary files:
alsatplg <-D args=values> -p -c input.conf -o output.tplg
The -D
switch is used to pass comma-separated argument values to the top-level configuration file.
You can use the -P
switch to convert a 2.0 configuration file to the 1.0 configuration file:
alsatplg <-D args=values> -P input.conf -o output.conf
Split topologies
Linux kernel can load multiple topologies, a topology for a single function. This feature is useful to support SDCA setups with standardized components. And no need to create topologies for every new product. To achieve this, you need to split the topology into multiple tplg files. The split topology files should be named as follows:
sof-<platform>-<function>-id<BE id number>.tplg
Currently <platform> is only needed for the DMIC function and not needed for SDCA functions in general. It should be mtl, lnl, etc.
Where <function> should be one of
sdca-jack: SDCA headphone and headset.
sdca-<n>amp: SDCA amp, where n is the amp link numbers.
sdca-mic: SDCA host mic.
dmic-<n>ch: PCH DMIC, where n is the number of supported channels. Currently, only 2ch and 4ch are supported.
hdmi-pcm<id>: HDMI with PCM id starts from <id>. The <id> is 3 for the "sof-hda-dsp" card and 5 for other cards.
For example
The split topologies are the subset of the monolithic topology. Usually, you just need to add a description with proper macro settings to disable the features that you don’t need and set the first BE ID that in the topology in the cmake file to generate the split topologies.
For example
Topology reminders
Review the following topology considerations:
“index” refers to the pipeline ID in pipeline, widget, and control class groups.
“id” in the DAI class group objects refers to the link ID as defined in the machine driver in the kernel.
Alsaconf reminders
Review the following alsaconf considerations:
“.” refers to a node separator. “ value” is quivalent to the following:
foo { bar value }
Arrays are defined with []. For example:
!constructor [ "foo" "bar" ]
We recommend to use the exclamation mark (!) in array definitions within the class definition. Use it to ensure that the array items are not duplicated if the class configuration file is included more than once from different sources.