Suggestions before filing an SOF bug
Run alsa-info
The alsa-info
script extracts a lot of information from the platform
(PCI ids, ACPI ids, DMI, controls, dmesg) that will help the SOF team
understand which hardware and OEM configuration is used. alsa-info
can upload the results to a server; providing the link is very useful
when filing a bug.
Disable SOF on PCI/HDaudio devices to test audio playback
When audio issues occur, first see if the HDaudio legacy can generate sound
on speakers and headsets. Accomplish this by adding “options
snd-intel-dspcfg dsp_driver=1” to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
If no sound can be heard and jack detection is not functional, an HDaudio external codec configuration is likely. In some cases, the Linux drivers are missing configuration information and may only enable two of the four speakers present.
All of these cases are orthogonal to SOF issues in that the SOF driver cannot compensate for codec driver problems on its own. The HDaudio codec configuration is handled by the legacy HDAudio driver (snd-hda-intel), which is not maintained directly by SOF developers.
Try booting into Windows first, then reboot into Linux
On some platforms, such as with an HDaudio codec connected to amplifiers over an I2C/I2S link, the codec driver needs to perform a set of amplifier configurations. This is often handled in Windows but not in Linux codec drivers. A classic example of such issues is when headphone playback works, but speaker playback does not (or not on all speakers). Booting first in Windows then rebooting in Linux may help setup the right configuration, but additional work is needed to patch the Linux kernel.
Reverse-engineer the Windows audio driver
The HDaudio driver configures the codec with ‘verb’ commands to e.g. setup the ‘pins’ or a coefficient. The exact values used are device-specific, and in the absence of any documentation from the codec vendor need to be reverse-engineered by snooping HDAudio commands in a Windows environment.
The following links provide additional information on snooping the commands and determining what needs to be added to the Linux kernel. These links are not maintained by SOF developers.
Make sure the ME is enabled
If the ME is disabled by the OEM or the user, firmware authentication will fail without any explicit feedback provided to the user. In case of any authentication failure, verify that the ME is not disabled. More information about the ME is available in the “Firmware binary” section of Overview of Intel hardware platforms.
Test at the ALSA ‘hw’ device level
When the legacy HDaudio driver produces audible sound without distortion and an SOF-based solution does not, user space configuration issues are possible.
Use the following commands to check if the SOF driver is functional at the hardware device level:
speaker-test -Dhw:0,0 -c2 -r48000 -f S16_LE
arecord -Dhw:0,0 -c2 -r48000 -f S16_LE -d 10 test.wav
The card and device indices may need to be adjusted on different
platforms: use aplay -l
and arecord -l
to see supported values on
your platform.
If the playback or capture seems ok at the hardware device level, then the following packages may need to be updated:
Verify mixer settings
A classic issue with Linux audio is that a mixer control value remains
muted or with a volume set to zero. The alsamixer
command can be
used to check if any paths are disabled (represented as “m”) or if the
volume settings are not correct.
Note that randomly playing with ALSA mixer settings can damage audio accessories, speakers, or your hearing. Never change mixer settings while listening to loud music on a headset!
Enable dynamic debug
To avoid spamming all Linux users with audio-specific information,
only critical errors are reported in the dmesg
log. That information
may not be enough to debug a specific issue, and the recommendation is
to add the following options to the /etc/modprobe.d/sof-dyndbg.conf
options snd_sof_acpi dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_acpi_intel_byt dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_acpi_intel_bdw dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_intel_byt dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_intel_bdw dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_apl dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_cnl dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_icl dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_tgl dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_mtl dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_pci_intel_lnl dyndbg=+pmf
# DSP selection
options snd_intel_dspcfg dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_intel_sdw_acpi dyndbg=+pmf
# SOF internals
options snd_sof_intel_hda_common dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_intel_hda_generic dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_intel_hda_mlink dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_intel_hda dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_sof_nocodec dyndbg=+pmf
options snd_hda_intel dyndbg=+pmf
options snd-hda-codec-realtek dyndbg=+pmf
options snd-hda-codec-generic dyndbg=+pmf
options snd-hda-codec-hdmi dyndbg=+pmf
options snd-hda-codec dyndbg=+pmf
# SoundWire core
options soundwire_bus dyndbg=+pmf
options soundwire_generic_allocation dyndbg=+pmf
options soundwire_cadence dyndbg=+pmf
options soundwire_intel_init dyndbg=+pmf
options soundwire_intel dyndbg=+pmf
Note that this list is only an example.
Dynamic debug is a Linux kernel feature. For detailed information, see the official kernel documentation.
Install sof-logger
If an issue with the SOF firmware is reported, such as IPC errors, SOF
developers will need DSP traces. This is typically done by installing
as well as the .ldc
file, and using the
following command to extract DSP traces:
sof-logger -t -l sof-tgl.ldc
Trace support might need to be enabled on distribution kernels in case the
file is not present by adding sof_debug=1 option
to snd_sof module:
options snd_sof sof_debug=1
Digital mic issues
The SOF driver and firmware have limited information related to the number of digital microphones and their physical location.
On devices designed for Windows, the presence of the microphone is reported as an NHLT endpoint (ACPI table in the BIOS). The SOF Linux driver will report this information with a ‘dmesg’ log such as
[ 4.301490] sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: DMICs detected in NHLT tables: 2
Recent versions of the ACPICA tools (acpica-tools package) can also be used to visualize the ACPI tables.
In some instances the number of DMICs reported by the NHLT does not match the hardware layout. The SOF driver provides a means to alter the value with a kernel parameter which can be added in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (or any other configuration file with this .conf extension). A reboot is necessary after changing the value
options snd_sof_intel_hda_common dmic_num=4
The following command can then be used to check if the microphones are active at the lowest level
arecord -Dhw:0,6 -c4 -r48000 -fS32_LE -d 10 test.wav
In 99% of the cases, hardware designers connect the two microphones on the PDM0 controller. Some platforms use PDM1, which cannot really be detected by the OS. By capturing in 4ch mode, it’s possible that channel3 and 4 capture data while channel0 and channel1 only show signs of transitions and DC-removal. Simply talking or recording music in this 10s test, then visualizing the recorded file with Audacity is often enough to diagnose the presence of 2 microphones on the ‘wrong’ PDM controller.
In that case, a different topology file needs to be used, typically sof-hda-generic-2ch-pdm1.tplg. On older distributions, it will be necessary to override the file installed in /lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg/sof-hda-generic-2ch.tplg. On kernels 5.20+ a kernel parameter will be enough with no need to change and override installed topology files, e.g.
options snd-sof-pci tplg_filename=sof-hda-generic-2ch-pdm1.tplg
These PDM1 issues are tracked in GitHub with the label ‘DMIC-PDM1’ in the firmware issues and in the Linux issues.
Users running Linux distributions on Chromebooks routinely experience issues with digital microphones. In the Chrome environment, the topology always exposes 4 channels, and UCM files for specific platforms specify which of the 4 channels are valid. A plugin will then drop the useless/non-populated channels. This capability does not exist yet in upstream UCM/Linux. Capturing with the ‘arecord; command above will help understand which channels are valid and configure UCM files.
ES8336 support
Since 2021, a number of OEMs relied on the ES8336 codec from Everest Audio on platforms as varied as AppoloLake, GeminiLake, JasperLake, CometLake, AlderLake.
End-users can verify if the hardware uses this configuration by running the ‘alsa-info’ command and checking for the presence an ACPI _HID, e.g.
/sys/bus/acpi/devices/ESSX8336:00/status 15
/sys/bus/acpi/devices/ESSX8326:00/status 15
Support for this platform only stated upstream with the kernel 5.19-rc1. Any attempts with earlier kernels will require backports and experimental patches to be added. In the case of the 8326, the codec vendor submitted a driver to the ALSA/ASoC maintainers, which was not merged as of July 2022. In this specific case end-users will be forced to compile their own kernel.
The SOF driver implemented an automatic detection of the SSP/I2S port used by hardware and the presence of digital microphones based on platform firmware/NHLT.
There are however a number of hardware configurations that cannot be detected from platform firmware. To work-around this limitation, the ‘sof-es8336’ machine driver exposes a ‘quirk’ kernel parameter which can be used for modify GPIO and jack detection settings. Existing quirks are listed in the sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_es8336.c machine driver:
#define SOF_ES8336_JD_INVERTED BIT(6)
#define SOC_ES8336_HEADSET_MIC1 BIT(8)
The default and actual quirk values for the platform can be obtained from the kernel logs in the line as follows:
sof-essx8336 sof-essx8336: quirk mask 0x1a0
for the unchanged mask, or:
sof-essx8336 sof-essx8336: Overriding quirk 0x1a0 => 0x120
for the quirk overriding.
The overridden quirk value can also be obtained from the /sys/module/snd_soc_sof_es8336/parameters/quirk (the value is reported as a plain integer, not hexadecimal). If the quirk is not overridden, the -1 value is returned.
Changes to the default can be added with the following option in e.g. /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf. Only the bits listed above can be modified; others need to remain as is.
options snd_soc_sof_es8336 quirk=<value>
Changing quirk values is an extremely experimental endeavor that should only attempted by users with working knowledge of the Linux audio subsystem and an understanding that playing with hardware settings MAY DAMAGE HARDWARE or generate extremely loud sounds that MAY DAMAGE YOUR HEARING.
In rare cases, some platforms use the MCLK1 signal instead of MCLK0. As of July 2022, there is no turn-key solution for those platforms.
These ES8336 issues are tracked in GitHub with the label ‘codec ES8336’ in the Linux ES8336 issues.