CMake Arguments
For firmware and unit tests only TOOLCHAIN and ROOT_DIR arguments are mandatory. Other arguments are optional.
For host build, only BUILD_HOST switch is needed.
Firmware & Unit Tests
Mandatory arguments for firmware and unit tests builds.
Specifies toolchain to use, usually it’s prefix to tools that follow GCC naming convention. Toolchain should contain tools like:
There are more tools from GCC-like toolchains that may be used by build system, but these are used in most cases. For example toolchain xtensa-apl-elf, should have tools xtensa-apl-elf-gcc, xtensa-apl-elf-ar, etc. Toolchain has to be in PATH.
# Examples cmake [...] -DTOOLCHAIN=xt [...] cmake [...] -DTOOLCHAIN=xtensa-apl-elf [...] cmake [...] -DTOOLCHAIN=xtensa-cnl-elf [...]
Path to directory with xtensa core’s lib and include.
# Examples cmake [...] -DROOT_DIR=$CONFIG_PATH/xtensa-elf [...] cmake [...] -DROOT_DIR=/my-xtensa-newlib/xtensa-root/xtensa-apl-elf [...]
Optional arguments. Only for firmware.
Path to directory with MEU tool. For example full path to MEU that will be used, should be $MEU_PATH/meu or $MEU_PATH/meu.exe.
# Example cmake [...] -DMEU_PATH=/path/to/meu/installation [...]
Path to file with key that will be used by meu.
# Example cmake [...] -DMEU_PRIVATE_KEY=/path/to/meu/private-key.pem [...]
Default: /usr/bin/openssl Path to OpenSSL binary used by MEU. Usually you should use it only on Windows.
# Example cmake [...] -DMEU_OPENSSL=C:/path/to/openssl.exe [...]
Custom suffix for output binary.
# Example cmake [...] -DFIRMWARE_NAME=custom [...]
Flag that can be used to build unsigned FW binary, that may be later used with MEU for signing.
# Example cmake [...] -DMEU_NO_SIGN=ON [...]
Default: determined by build-system, depends on MEU version. Can be used to override MEU offset.
# Example cmake [...] -DMEU_OFFSET=1344 [...]
Unit Tests
Optional arguments. Only for unit tests.
Read Unit Tests first.
Default: OFF, if ON then builds unit tests.
# Example: build unit tests instead of firmware cmake -DTOOLCHAIN=xt -DROOT_DIR=$CONFIG_PATH/xtensa-elf -DBUILD_UNIT_TESTS=ON [...]
Path to directory with prebuilt Cmocka library. Usually you shouldn’t use it, because if this argument is not used, then CMake will build Cmocka automatically for you in build directory. Cmocka directory should contain include subdirectory with cmocka.h header and lib subdirectory with cmocka-static.a library.
# Example cmake [...] -DCMOCKA_DIRECTORY=/path/to/cmocka-install-apl [...]
Host Testbench
Optional arguments. Only for host build.
Default: OFF, if ON then builds testbench for host.
# Example: build testbench instead of firmware cmake -DBUILD_HOST=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install [...]