Fuzzing in Docker
Build a fuzzer in order to use it. Follow the instructions at Build SOF with docker, Build topology and tools with Docker.
Enter the Docker container:
#To be run from sof/ directory ./scripts/docker-run.sh bash
A container is created from the
Docker image. We are provided with a shell prompt. Let’s call this Terminal #1.Connect to the container’s shell from another terminal.
To do this, you must first know the container ID.
docker ps #Sample output CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1c383e3c08ae sof "bash" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes objective_kilby
The first column of the output gives you the container ID.
To connect to the container’s shell, do the following:
docker exec -i -t container_id bash
This opens a shell prompt. Let’s call this Terminal #2.
Run the QEMU DSP VM in Terminal #1 by following instructions from Using the QEMU DSP emulator.
Run the sof-fuzzer built from Step 1. Run this in Terminal #2.
When you see FW boot complete in Terminal #2, the setup is complete.
Important notes
The platform should be the same for the QEMU DSP VM and the fuzzer.
Ex: If you run your QEMU DSP VM with the ‘byt’ platform, use the same platform when you run your fuzzer.
Make sure that you pass your kernel using the ‘-k’ flag in the QEMU DSP VM.
You must run the fuzzer and the QEMU DSP VM in the same container; otherwise they can’t communicate with each other!