IADK Modules Adapter
IADK Modules
An IADK module is a software component that can be represented by a processing block with some input pins and output pins capable to transport a digital signal into the block or out of the block. Processing is applied on an input signal or a combination of input signals, some input signals may only be used as reference signals that influence the processing on other input signals. The result of the processing is written into the output signals. The behavior of the block can be controlled using a configuration parameter interface.
An IADK module communicates with base firmware and other modules through ProcessingModuleInterface API and access base firmware services via System Service API.
IADK Module Adapter
The IADK Module Adapter is an extension to SOF component infrastructure that allows to integrate modules developed under IADK (Intel Audio Development Kit) Framework. IADK modules uses uniform set of interfaces and are linked into separate library. These modules are loaded in runtime through Library Manager and then after registration into SOF component infrastructure are interfaced through module adapter API. Since IADK modules uses ProcessingModuleInterface API to control/data transfer and SystemService API to use base FW services from internal module code, there is a communication shim layer defined.
The SOF IADK Module Adapter is designed to interact with IADK modules without their code modification. Therefore C++ function, structures and variables definition are here kept with original form from IADK Framework. This provides binary compatibility with already developed 3rd party modules.
- There are three entities in IADK Module Adapter Package:
System Agent - A mediator to allow the custom module to interact with the base SOF FW. It calls IADK module entry point and provides all necessary information to connect both sides of ProcessingModuleInterface and System Service.
System Service - exposes of SOF base FW services to the module.
Processing Module Adapter - SOF base FW side of ProcessingModuleInterface API