I2S IO Driver


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class I2sSink --() Gateway
class I2sSource --() Gateway
class I2sDriver --() IoDriver
class I2sChannel
class I2sInputChannel

I2sChannel  --* I2sDriver
I2sInputChannel  --|> I2sChannel
I2sOutputChannel --|> I2sChannel
I2sSink --o I2sOutputChannel
I2sSource --o I2sInputChannel


Figure 78 I2S IO Driver overview

Configuration BLOB

The Configuration Blob is a build of block structures:
  • TDM slot Map,

  • I2S base registers,

  • MCLK configuration that allows for specifying the ratio for multiple dividers,

  • Aggregation configuration

The I2sConfigurationBlobHeader begins with a signature followed by the BLOB version and size.

        signature and version { 0xEE, BLOB version }
        size in bytes

Blob Configuration structure that follows the header depends on the BLOB version. Currently, only v2.5 is supported with the structure as follows:

        TDM slot map ver.2 [I2S_TDM_MAX_SLOT_MAP_COUNT]
        I2S base registers
        MCLK configuration ver.2
                2.5: Aggregation configuration

TDM Time Slots

TDM time slots are statically assigned to streams by definition coming from ACPI. A single stream transmits data through time slots of a single time slot group. For example, 8 TDM time slots may be grouped by the following definition from ACPI:

tsd[0] = 0xFFFFFF43, tsd[1] = 0xFFFFFF01, ...
  • Stream 0 specifies time_slot_group_index = 1,

  • Stream 1 uses time_slot_group_index = 0

that would mean that the 1st TDM slot is mapped to S0 Ch0; the 0th TDM slot is mapped to S0 Ch1; the 3rd TDM slot is mapped to S1 Ch0, and 4th TDM slot is mapped to S1 Ch1.

digraph G { node [fontsize=10,shape=record,height=.1]; splines=false subgraph clusterAcpi { label="tdm_ts_group[8]"; fontsize=10; tdm_acpi [label="<acpi0>FFFFFF43 |<acpi1>FFFFFF01 |..."]; } subgraph clusterStr0 { label="Stream 0"; fontsize=10; color="#C4D600"; str0_cfg [label="\{ time_slot_group_index=1\}"]; str0_cfg -> tdm_acpi:acpi1 [style=dotted]; str0 [label="<l>L |<r>R |... |<p>" color="#C4D600"]; } subgraph clusterStr1 { label="Stream 1"; fontsize=10; color="#FFA300" str1_cfg [label="\{ time_slot_group_index=0\}"] str1_cfg -> tdm_acpi:acpi0 [style=dotted] str1 [label="<l>L |<r>R |..." color="#FFA300"] } str [label="<0>R |<1>L |<2> |<3>L |<4>R |<5> |<6> |<7> "] str0:l -> str:1 str0:r -> str:0 str1:l -> str:3 str1:r -> str:4 {rank=min; tdm_acpi} {rank=max; str} }

Figure 79 I2S TDM

Configuring BCLK Clock Input Source

The I2S Link BCLK may be configured to use on the SoC available clock sources.

Example BCLK clock sources:

  • XTAL Oscillator clock,

  • Audio Cardinal clock,

  • Audio PLL fixed clock,

  • MCLK

Clock selection is programmed using values provided in the I2S Configuration BLOB for the MCDSS and MNDSS fields of the MDIVCTRL register.